Sharing With Those in Need

What does Easter mean for my neighbors who live in abject poverty?

To share with those in need means to give to the poor and vulnerable. We shall reflect on the fact that we have been blessed by God to share with those in need. God blesses us so that we may in turn be a blessing to others by sharing with those in need.

Dear friend, how much food can we consume in a day? How many bottles of water and beverages can we drink in a day? How much clothing can we change or wear in a day? How many rooms can we occupy in our houses at a time? When God blesses us, He expects us to selflessly make room for others to share in our blessings. Again, It is imperative in God’s commandment that those who are blessed must be good stewards of God’s blessing by sharing with those who are in need.

The only way we can share with the needy is when we understand God’s word and abide by it. Human beings by our fallen nature are self-centred but with the Word of God in our hearts, we shall be transformed to do His will and have the needy blessed through us. Some of us are not farmers like Boaz but it is important to note that every income that comes to us is a harvest.

I have deliberated on the Easter reflection, “Sharing with those in need”. I have discovered that I have been blessed by God to share with those in need. Again it is also an act of obedience to God’s Word when we share with the needy.

Easter is truly Good News for my poor neighbors. It is the high point of the story of Jesus, who embodied God’s wild and untameable love for the vulnerable and the broken. And ultimately laid down his life to overcome the death and violence that enslaves us all.

It is the story of a upside-down Kingdom that will come on earth as it is in heaven – a Kingdom that is nothing like the society we find ourselves in. A Kingdom that is Good News for the poor.

This Easter, let us recommit to walking in His radical footsteps by recognizing that it’s not ALL about us. Let us deny ourselves, remember the poor, and take up the cross. For it is only in dying that we find life.

How often do you support the needy in your family and society, let us pray for God to grant us a loving and caring heart to remember the needy when we are blessed.

Let us pray for God to bless our hard work and grant us a bountiful harvest and blessings to be able to share with those in need.

I pray for those who share with us when we are in need. I pray for God to grant my families long life, good health and success in our various businesses and endeavours.

Almighty God, I ask for your blessings upon our lives. Strengthen all of us specially my friends and families to be faithful to your Word by being generous to those who are in need. Amen.